Qi is the fundamental energy that makes everything exists and functions. When it comes to health, Qi is the equivalence of biological electricity that circulates, activates, and balances the overall functioning of our bodies. The abundance of Qi or lack thereof, as well as the quality of flow, determines our physical, and emotional well-being. Qi flows on pathways called “the meridians.” Through thousands of years of experiments, the meridians have been accurately mapped. There are more than 362 acupuncture points where Qi can be accessed and activated.
It depends on your healing ability and the type of condition. You may get relief right after the first treatment if it is an acute condition. Or, you may need a course of 4+ treatments if it is a chronic or more complicated condition.
Acupuncture is very gentle, often painless. Acupuncture needles are thin and long, In fact, they are so thin that you can fit 7 acupuncture needles into a medical hypodermic needle.
Make sure to not brush your tongue the day of your appointment. Also wear loose fitting clothing and have a light snack. Please do not eat a large meal before your appointment or exercise rigorously.
Yes. Oriental Medicine is known for detecting an imbalance before major symptoms start to appear. Acupuncture can be used as a drug-free check-up to maintain your health
We do not accept insurance. If you have insurance that reimburses for acupuncture, we can provide you with a superbill with the proper treatment and payment codes. Superbills will be sent to your patient portal.
We accept cash, credit, debit, check, and HSA. Google pay, Apple pay, Pineapple pay, Kiwi pay, Neuralink, and occasionally an IOU. Will consider song and dance
You can use the chat feature on our website for questions or comments. You can also email us at five@oceansacu.com
As of 2024, each appointment will be $77.
Herbal consultations will be $47
*Prices are subject to change with appropriate notice given, they will be updated on the website. Price listed above is current and correct
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